Do you want to experience more confidence in yourself and more fulfilment in relationships?

Human beings are social creatures and experiencing loving, connected, safe relationships is key to our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

Most of us learn the basic model of relationship skills and do relationships like driving bumper cars – we don’t have a lot of intentionality or a clear pathway and we bump around with each other.  Sometimes when we bump into each other it’s fun and sometimes we get a disturbing shunt.

Doing relationships like that is often dissatisfying, and can be painful or destructive.

I want to do relationships better, and I want to help you do relationships better.  

Look at yourself in the mirror

Getting better at relationships is a two part, ongoing process (ongoing because we and life are ever evolving and we never know it all or get it all done).

The first part is self-development: learning to love yourself, integrate your shadow parts, heal your emotional and psychological wounds and know your innate worthiness.

The second part is learning and practicing effective relationship tools.

These group coaching programmes are designed to support you in both of those aspects.  The separate mens and womens programmes are focused on self-growth connected to being in relationship, and the relationships programme is a toolkit to up-level your relationship skills.

Becoming a Highly
Attractive Woman

For women and people who identify as women who want to experience more self-love, human love, romantic love, sisterhood love and divine love, and who want to create a deeper way of relating, connecting and creating intimacy.

Attractiveness is not primarily about how you look, it is primarily about your energy – your level of confidence, self-worth and harmony with yourself and life.

This 10 week small group programme takes you through a series of practices that can help you to connect with all parts of your physical, mental and emotional self with love and compassion.  This can shift feelings and beliefs of fear, shame and guilt and create capacity for more joy, clarity, sensuality and vitality.

Throughout the programme you will be given takeaway practices and tools that you can use to be in life with more power and glow.

This programme will be starting on 10 September 2023 in Christchurch.

Becoming a Great Man in Relationships

For men and people who identify as men who want to let go of toxic stereotypes about masculinity and develop confidence and skills to be a great man in relationships.

Character traits that will be fostered in this group coaching programme include:

  • inner strength
  • inner security
  • emotional intelligence
  • fostering respect
  • compassion and kindness from a masculine energy perspective

We will also look at ways to keep your hormones in balance so that you can perform to high levels and be vulnerable and loving.

This programme will be starting early in 2024.  

More details coming soon.

Up-level Your Relationships Toolkit

For people of all gender identifications who want to learn more skills to create fulfilling relationship experiences.

This programme will be running in early 2024.

More details coming soon.

If you have any questions about any of these programmes you can

email Janine at

Header Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash