Becoming a Highly Attractive Woman

in relationships

This is for you if . . . 

What does it mean to be attractive?

True attraction is about energy.  

Attraction comes from how you know yourself.  It comes from how in harmony your body, mind and soul are with each other.  It comes when you are stepping into powerfully accepting, loving, trusting, holding and honouring yourself. 

Consciously choosing to step into that moment by moment is a lifelong practice, but we can learn effective tools to help us and consistently raise our baseline.

Confidence isn’t walking into a room and thinking you’re better than everyone, it’s walking in and not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.

Monty Withers

How will the programme run?

10 week group coaching programme – 2 hour sessions

Ten interactive, practical sessions where you will learn and engage with powerful tools to help you shift limiting beliefs, heal and integrate stuck emotional energies and woundings that are keeping you in fear and smallness, and tap into and release the wisdom and vitality of your soul.

Each session includes an opening practice of celebrating the good and relaxing and connecting into your body with face yoga.  This will be followed by one or two practices designed to help you tune into your deeper unconscious mind and know your powerful inner wisdom around the theme of the session (see below).

Sessions will be closed with a sharing of gratitude, and presentation of a taonga (treasure) connected to the theme of the session.

There will be homework!  Well, I prefer the term home-play, because I invite you to engage with the practices with the intention of curiosity and openness.  Each week you will be given at least one home-play practice to further expand what you have explored in the group coaching session.

The 10 themes covered over the 10 weeks

The first step in having what you want is being clear about what it is that you want.  Most women have been trained by society to put others first, and to suppress their wants and desires for fear of being perceived as needy, domineering, or slutty.  Step one in getting what you want is giving yourself permission to want, moving into clarity about what you want.  You can then learn empowered ways to ask for what you want from yourself, from others and from life.

Most of your habits of thought, emotion and behaviour will have been formed when you were very young.  Your inner child can still carry emotional wounds or be stuck in coping behaviours that no longer serve you. 

In this session we will be doing practices to help you communicate with and re-parent the inner child that is part of your subconscious mind.  This can help to release energies of hurt, pain and anger and to bring love, acceptance and healing to this deep part of you.

Our parents/chief caregivers play a big role in shaping our identity.  They are our primary relationship role model.  

This session will give you an opportunity to purge any energies of hurt, anger, resentment, shame or betrayal connected to your parents/primary caregivers.  From there you will be invited into finding acceptance, forgiveness and appreciation, and creating an empowered story for connecting with your parents or the energy of your parents.

The way that our parents interacted with us leads us to develop a style of attaching to people in intimate relationships.  There are a number of different terms for the main categories of relationship attachment type, but the four main ones that we will use are those of Thais Gibson: Dismissive-Avoidant, Fearful-Avoidant, Anxious Attachment and Secure Attachment.

Once you know your attachment style, your habitual behaviour in relationships (and partner selection) become clearer, and you can learn empowering ways to manage characteristics of your attachment style that keep you from developing a fulfilling romantic relationship.  In this session you will be equipped with tools to master your attachment style, and also to have more understanding of the other attachment styles, so that you can relate to others more effectively.

Worthiness is the key to attracting anything you want into your life.  Worthiness is foundational to effectively asking for what you need and want.  The dominant story in western society is that worthiness (and often love) needs to be earned.  In this session, we create the story that you are innately worthy and connect with our higher self which knows this to be true.

When you begin to know and live from your innate worthiness it is transformational.  Not only does it create a powerful attraction energy but it often effortlessly decreases self-critical and imposter syndrome talk.

In this session we will explore things like:

How do you feel safe in yourself?  How do you trust yourself?

Where do you need boundaries or firmer boundaries, and how do you effectively create those? 

In what ways do you bind yourself by saying no to your rest, your pleasure, your fun, your growth, your light?  How can you give yourself permission to be more and have more?

Procrastination about doing something you want to do is usually caused by two things:

  1. Your subconscious mind resists change because change feels unknown and therefore unsafe
  2. The limiting beliefs (stories) your subconscious holds due to past experiences. Usually these are formed when you are very young and can seem quite irrational now, but they are still running as a neural programme for you until you effectively rewire them.

In this session we will do some general processes to rewire some of your subconscious beliefs and learn some tools for how to soothe and centre yourself when fear and anxiety come up. 

We will not go into any deeper shadow or trauma work in this session due to the restrictions of time and space.

During this session we will work through a process to help you clarify your core desire in relationship, powerfully visualise it, identify subconscious blocks to it and then create an empowering truth to address those blocks (like a mantra or affirmation) and quickly and easily embody and own it.

Repeating affirmations is tiring and not particularly effective.  I am going to show you a couple of ways that you can rewire your subconscious beliefs far more quickly and successfully.

Sensuality is not just for sex.  A woman’s sensuality is her gift and her power and it is time to take it back for yourself.  I am going to show you how to find and love your turn on, and move through life as if your were dancing like no one was watching.

Learn and practice Anat Baniel’s 9 essentials for vitality to give you energy for today and keep you youthful.  A lot of energy depletion and aging comes from getting stuck in habitual and repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour and living most of your life on auto-pilot.  Following the principles of Anat Baniel’s 9 Essentials can wake up your brain again and stimulate it to resume growth and change in a way that is very similar to what we experienced as children.

When you move and feel in new ways with subtlety, presence and awareness it turns on the learning switch inside us and opens space within our bodies and minds.  We begin to perceive and approach life with new excitement, creativity, playfulness, sensuality, pleasure and fun.

Where, when and how much?

The first Becoming a Highly Attractive Woman in Relationships group coaching programme will run weekly from 10 September to 12 November at Cherish wellbeing centre in Christchurch.

Time: Sunday 10am-12pm

$30 per session ($90 payment for first 3 sessions required on sign-up then pay per session)

Or a single payment of $270 for the 10 sessions

Please note: there are only 10 spaces available!

This is a small group coaching programme and the group size is limited to 10 participants.

To book a space, contact Janine at

or click the button below to sign up through Eventbrite

I hereby give you permission to invest in yourself

You are worth investing in

Your relationships are worth investing in

Let’s get our glow on!


What if I can’t come to all 10 sessions?

If you cannot attend all 10 sessions then that is okay. I understand that most of us are living very full lives with multiple commitments.  I have set the pricing to pay for the first three sessions and then pay by session for those you attend.

If I can’t come to a session do I still have to pay?

If you have a valid reason for not being able to make a session such as a prior commitment or you get sick and you notify me within 48 hours (12 hours for sickness) of the session, then there will be no charge.  You will still be expected to pay for the session if you do not notify me and just don’t show up.  However, I am confident that once you have experienced a session, then you will want to experience them all.

Why is the booking price the cost of the first three sessions?

Paying for the first three up front is to help you move through your subconscious mind’s resistance to change.  When we start to move in a new direction, think differently, feel differently, move differently then our nervous system initially sees the change as something unknown and therefore unsafe, and tends to throw up barriers. Committing to something with a payment helps you to stay true to your higher desire until your nervous system settles with the change.

What if I come to the first session and decide the course is not suitable for me?

I do encourage people to come to at least the first three sessions to truly get a feel for the course and allow their nervous system to settle as you get used to the processes, and get to know people.  However, if you talk things through with me and still think that the course is not for you, then I am happy to refund any payments made in advance for sessions that you didn’t attend.

10 Weeks is a long time commitment, why not do a weekend workshop instead?

True sustainable change takes time and practice.  Intensive workshops can have great energy and can give you some big “shift” experiences, however, these are not usually maintained long once you are back in day to day life.  My aim is to give you tools that you implement week to week in your daily life.  This makes it more likely for you to sustain shifts in thought and feelings, and to establish practical supportive habits.

It is also worth asking yourself the questions: “how committed am I to myself?” and “am I worth investing time in?”

Photo by Achira22 :