(First posted June 2019)

What do you do on shit days when you are struggling to feel good enough?

I have these days. I’m having one today.

I’m trying to do what I think needs to be done when my energy is pretty much bottomed out, and my heart is heavy, and I just feel like “what the fuck do I do?”

What is the best thing to do on shit days like this?


Often our impulse can be to try something new; to read another book, to connect with another person, to watch another video, or to go to another course that might have the answer or relief we seek.

DO something.

It’s often my first impulse. My strongest impulse.

But my inner voice is whispering, “Just stop.

Just stop.

You already have everything you need within you.”

But stopping and listening can feel so hard, so uncomfortable, so ineffective.

Logic and ego are saying

“Do more, and fix it through action.”

Screaming, “But this needs to be done. You need to do this”

Love is saying “You are already enough, you are safe, everything will be fine – even if you do nothing but take care of yourself.”

Love says – “give yourself what you really need.

Rest, comfort, acceptance, peace, space.

Space to allow change to happen naturally.

Just breathe.

And again, just breathe.

All is well.

In this moment, all is well.

Nothing that has happened, or can happen, makes a difference to who you truly are as an energetic being connected to Source energy.

The physical is simply a temporary experience.

It is not the true reality.

You are Creator energy.

Come within

and you will know this.


And if that feels too hard in this moment

then just rest.

Rest and allow all your emotional chemistry to flow.

Watch it,

observe it,

acknowledge it.

Love it as part of your physical experience.

As part of you.

All you need to do is be.

That urge, need, to fight and fix and resist –

Look at it,

accept it,

embrace it,

and love it into quiet.

Give it space to flow and transform from within.

That need to understand, to know how, what, why –

accept it.

Embrace it,

and love it into quiet.

You are enough.

You are enough.”

I am enough.


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