Most people believe that it is hard to change their beliefs, and hard to change their habits, because that is what other people have told them and that has been their experience. Traditional psychology practices have been based on the belief that in order to change and heal we need to look back into our past and understand why we think and act the way we do.

However, energy flows where focus goes.

Every time we look at a problem, we actually reinforce it with our attention to it. That is why change can feel so hard, because we keep looking at what we want to change and activating back into it, and reinforcing that this is our identity. If you want something to change, stop looking at it and talking about it. As Abraham Hicks would say, stop beating the drum of it.

Could it actually be easy to change our embedded beliefs and patterns of thought? Is it possible to just release them or change them with one statement?

About a year ago I came across the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement and started to play with it. On the surface it sounds like nonsense: right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. However, it is based on the understanding that everything in the universe is actually energy and space. You can watch a video with a full explanation of it here. I have noticed some very interesting things at times when I have used it, like significant opening shifts in my thinking. One time I used it with my son, and soon after he said something to me that expressed a far more profound understanding of emotional intelligence than an eight year old would normally have, and that he has ever demonstrated before or after.

Most people believe that we live in a three dimensional world of solid matter because this is what we perceive with our senses. However, the latest quantum physics science states that energy is the basis of material reality. Every type of particle is conceived of as a quantum energy vibration in a field of space, and the fields of space themselves consist of energy. The latest discoveries in Western science point to a fundamental primal energy that works throughout the universe connecting everything to everything else. This correlates to what human beings have felt intuitively for thousands of years. For example, the Chinese described this type of universal energy as ch’i, the ancient Greeks called it pneuma, the kahunas in Hawaii call it mana, and in yoga it is called prana.

Everything is energy. Your body is energy vibrating at a particular frequency. Your emotions are energy vibrating at a particular frequency. Your thoughts are waves of energy, and you are surrounded by a unified quantum field of energy, an energy of infinite creation potential.

Our thoughts and feelings and memories are only energy. Energy can either be contained or allowed to flow, and energy flows freely when there is no resistance. The thing that creates resistance in us is our own intention or the way we perceive things.

The beauty of the human mind is that any decision that is made can be unmade. Since decisions like “Don’t trust” are made only of mind-stuff, and therefore do not exist in any real sense, they can be dissolved in a flash. It is reassuring to know that any limitation you have ever installed in your mind, for whatever purpose and regardless of how long ago, can be effortlessly shed.

Gay Hendricks – Learning to Love Yourself

Quantum mechanics research has shown time and time again that our thoughts create our reality and that it is our conscious awareness which determines what form energy will take for us.

Everything consists of a turbulent sea of zero-point energy and information. It is all movement and dynamics, but the moment we look, it “freezes,” and a form is laid down.

Hans Andeweg

The limiting beliefs and limiting decisions that we have are energy that we have locked into a certain form. Most of them we downloaded from our family and society when we were young. The rest are mostly decisions that we made when we were young to make sense of, and survive, in response to experiences we had which we perceived as threatening. These beliefs became locked in the energy field of your subconscious/unconscious mind through repetition (frequent focus), or because there was a high emotional charge attached to them. They are like data that your subconscious/unconscious mind has stored as memory. Your subconscious/unconscious mind then runs from them as a rule or law of operation, and they keep you from experiencing your full potential of love, joy and success.

This may all sound strange to you, but I invite you to decide to open to playing with it through the meditation I have linked below. The meditation combines concepts of quantum energy with psychology concepts from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). These are two ways of describing how our mind works, but they are complimentary, and NLP concepts and practices can help you to open to allow energy to flow, as can somatic movement which I have also included in this meditation process.

In terms of an NLP understanding of our conscious and unconscious mind, your conscious mind is like the captain of the ship and your unconscious mind is like the crew. Your conscious mind is the only part that can direct its focus, and imagine what isn’t being experienced as physically real by your senses i.e. visualize. It gives directions to your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind operates from directions given to it by your conscious mind either in the past or in the present. It is the domain of your emotions, controls your body and is able to process large amounts of information very quickly. Your unconscious mind simply follows directions, it does not need to understand in the way that your conscious mind wants to. It is like the keeper of your information and memory files though, and it works best when you ask respectfully for it to do what you want, and when it feels reassured that it is safe to make the change.

This is why in this meditation I invite you to relax your conscious mind, which can create resistance by its need to understand, and simply allow your unconscious mind to work at processing and releasing all the limiting decision files that you have. Your unconscious mind can do this as a data processing task.

Like Hawaiian Huna philosophy, I also believe that it is through our unconscious mind that we can access the resources and assistance of the unified quantum field of energy, which could also be called our intuition, higher conscious mind, soul mind, greater consciousness, or the divine.

The limiting decisions listed in the meditation are ones that are common to many people. Some may resonate with you more than others. Some you may not have, some you may not be consciously aware that you have. I encourage you to simply open fully to the process and let your unconscious mind do the work. It will know whether you have corresponding files stored or not. Trust that your unconscious mind and body also know what they need to release and to heal.

Once you have used this meditation to deactivate old patterns of belief, I encourage you to set a strong intention to consistently focus on what you want to create in your life, what you do want, and thoughts that serve your highest self. Talk about yourself and your life as if they are what you want them to be without relating back to how you used to think and behave. You are new in each new moment. What forms do you want to create with the energy within and around you?


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